Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What should I call your Husband

Somethings just amaze me at this age and time.

My cousin went for a wedding over the weekend. the make up artist whom we all know so well then came with her husband. My cousin meets her husband and says oh what s your name and he tells her. later on she is trying to refer to him calls his name,the make up artist flares up and says dont call my husband by his frst name. My cousin then says what should I call him and she says UNCLE. My cousin said yeah rite like I know him from Adam. the make-up artist then decides to go up in arms. I am like hello, you husband is a young boy what is all these wahala.

Anyway on sunday we meet up with SA's friend and his fiancee. I call SA's friends by their first names, but sisi fiancee did not think that was right. She was so upset that she left so rudely and hardly said bye-bye to us. SA's friend and me are in the same age range. Sisi fiancee is really young so she calls SA uncle. I told SA to tell her to call him by his first name

My junior friend gets married and i was saying hi to her husband and she said to me are u still going to be calling him by his first name. please what should i call him.

All my friends, junior siblings and cousins call SA by his first name and we are both cool with it.

I just dont get this craze, is it that marriage adds more to a guys age or why does he deserve more respect because he is maried.


Andrea said...
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Andrea said...

NIgerians, we love titles too much."Dr" "oga" "madam" "sir" "deacon" "uncle" "aunty"..bullshit.

Fluffycutething said...

LOL i don't get these people.... i'll prefer my husband to be called by his name abeg except by the really younger relations who may have to add uncle. But it doesn't bother me really...

I remember once asking a friend if i should call her husband uncle and she threatened to call mine uncle so that ended that!!!!!

Fluffycutething said...

oh and another friend of mine who married some guy our dad's age once told another friend of ours that we were all so rude etc didn't we think it was appropriate to call her husband uncle...

My friend promptly told the married one that if the guy was sleeping with her then ALL OF US have become the same ten and ten pence LMAO.....

Anonymous said...

" it that marriage adds more to a guys..." no.

'tis called being misguided. Titles??? what is that?

BuBu said...

@ Andrea, we really love titles in this part of the world.I once called a pastor guy who was asking me out by his first name and he flared up and stopped calling me, good riddiance tho, he was too fat.

@ Fluffycutething,lol @ if the guy is sleeping with her.....

@ Rethots, i agree a lot of people are misguided and i think this society asssists pips in being misguided

Apinke said...

lol! Uncle ko, uncle ni, shio!
miss saucy is not well, she no go school? lol@ ur fat pastor boyfriend would have been, lol!!